Focusing on wide-raging domain of rhetoric communication, the conference addresses past and present issues ranging from Aristotelian Rhetoric to cognitive-oriented linguistic approaches. It is argued that our communicative minds operate beyond cool reason by mixing up semantic domains in multimodal frames both in mass and networked communication. Metaphor use in specialist and popularized discourse contexts must also be accounted for in view of the pervasiveness of imaginative processes in terminology coinage in different areas of expertise.
Researchers from different areas of knowledge and persuasions, from Antiquity to the Present, are invited to present paper proposals, focusing on one of the following themes:
Political Rhetorics and mass communication
Metaphor and Terminology
Metaphor and different approaches
Multimodal Communication
Digital Discourse and variation
The congress sponsored by The Center of Linguistics and the Center for Classical Studies of the University of Lisbon features plenary sessions with keynote speakers, and parallel sessions for paper presentations.
Working languages: Portuguese and English.
We welcome:
• individual proposals for a 20 minute-paper;
• joint proposals for thematic panels with 3 papers.
Please include the following information with your proposal:
• full title of your paper / of your panel and respective papers;
• abstract (ca. 350 words per paper), optionally with a short list of bibliographical references;
• a short biographical note (ca. 150 words).
Please note that:
• All paper proposals will be peer-reviewed;
• Deadline for proposals: February 28, 2017;
• Notification of acceptance: February 19, 2017 (first proposals); March 31, 2017 (extended deadline);
• Proposals should be submitted by e-mail in MS Word or PDF format to with the subject header: Abstract proposal.